About Fred’s Country program:
Le program Fred’s Country: La musique Country de Tradition avec Frederic (Fred) Moreau. Le program Fred’s Country est diffusé sur 65 fréquences FM, 53 radios ou webradios.
The Fred’s Country program, is hosted by Frederic (Fred) Moreau and broadcasted weekly on 47 frequencies, 53 Affiliated FM and Web Radio Stations in France, Canada, Belgium, Spain, and more. Listen, download The Fred’s Country program here…
Autre particularité du program Fred’s Country, c’est la seule émission en Europe à programmer un minimum de 75% d’artistes Canadiens … particularity of the Fred’s Country program, each week, a minimum of 75% of Canadian Country artists on the air
Radio Show Host: Fred Moreau
Program Fred’s Country w7-2016 – February 12th, 2016
Music Charts Magazine® is proud to be friends with Mr. Moreau and glad to be one of the many to host the country radio show – Program Fred’s Country. ( French/English)