Music Charts Magazine® Presents – “NEW DISCOVERY” – “Jessie Chris“- for the month of June 2015.
Looking for some “New” music to add to your player and can’t find anything that blows you away?
Check out this Music Charts Magazine® “NEW DISCOVERY” Interview with “Jessie Chris” and be prepared to be excited knowing there is still 100% awesome music out there that you still have not heard.
After you listen to this great radio interview pasted below of “Jessie Chris” we are sure you will be glad you found this “New Discovery” and her song “Chameleon” to add to your music playlist.
“A Gun shooting, Guitar playin’, Country Girly girl – her name – is Jessie Chris“
A singer/songwriter who plays guitar, piano and even a little banjo, Jessie Chris is full of talent and energy and she stands at the doorway of a country music career.
Jesse say’s she is active and that’s hard to debate with after listening to her interview – this girl is full of raw hide energy that just doesn’t stop. At 17 years old with a new album coming out Jessie is one you should keep your eyes on. Music Charts Magazine® thinks Jessie Chris is a name we will all know for many years to come.
Join Jessie Chris at CMA Fest this month in Nashville:
Ask your radio station to hear Jessie Chris’s song “Chameleon”. – It’s a great tune!
~ Music Charts Magazine®
Who is Jessie Chris?
Hi I’m Jessie! Something you should know about me is I’m such a people person. I will talk to literally anyone that will listen. I get so excited about the littlest things. It doesn’t take much to make me smile! I love music. Music is my entire life. Growing up, music was always my way of coping with life’s experiences. Besides singing and songwriting, I play the guitar, piano and dabble at the banjo. I give major props to my family for putting up with my spontaneous needs to play my guitar at 2am.
Being a senior in high school, my life isn’t exactly what people would call normal. I take my classes online which means when I’m on the road I still have to do school work. Sometimes the excitement of traveling and playing shows makes it difficult for me to concentrate on my schoolwork, but I really do love to learn. I’m a thinker. I’m constantly thinking and brainstorming on ways I can change the world.
Besides music, something else I love is Netflix. My favorite TV shows on Netflix are a large range between AMC’s The Walking Dead and Gossip Girl. But that perfectly explains my strange interest in chick flick’s and scary movies. As entertaining scary movies are, they do scare me so I usually end up sleeping with my light for the following week. And as for chick flick’s well, I’m just a sucker for romance. While I’m on the topic of movies and TV, I should mention that I love all Disney movies and I’m usually singing along as I watch. I will forever be a little kid at heart.
Something that not a lot of people know about me is that I love to read. My favorite book so far, is the Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. My favorite place to read a good book is on the beach with the sound of the waves crashing in the background. Speaking of beaches, in the summer sometimes I like to just lie outside and look at the stars. There’s something that feels magical and relaxing about stargazing.
If you were ever wondering, my favorite food is Nutella. It is my weakness. I try real hard to restrain myself when it comes to eating it so I created a new rule for myself. Every time I eat Nutella, I have to run 2 miles to maintain a healthy diet. It probably also doesn’t help that my favorite places to eat are Chipotle, Chick Fila, and Panera. While we’re talking about foods, something strange about me is I don’t like soda! However, I do love raspberry lemonade.
Getting back to the music thing, I feel truly blessed to be doing what I do. This has been an incredible journey so far, and I’m so excited to see where it goes. It’s so important to me to stay humble no matter what and to always remember where I came from. During times where I’m on the road for a while, I find it important to take time to come home and remember where your roots are. It’s my way of staying grounded. Although I am very grounded, my heart is in the clouds because I’m a dreamer. My favorite quote is, “dreams come a size too big so we can grow into them.” I truly believe that my dreams are many sizes too big but that just means it will take hard work and passion to get where I want to be.
For more information on Jessie Chris visit –
Radio interested in how to obtain this music please contact us on our contact page and we will be glad to get it to your radio station for radio play. Many thanks to those of you who have already played it.
To find out more about Jessie Chris:
Music Charts Magazine® proudly presents NEW DISCOVERY for the month of June 2015 – “Jessie Chris“– feature song – “Chameleon“
LISTEN to the “NEW DISCOVERY” Interview with Jessie Chris – HERE:
Music Charts Magazine® Presents “New Discovery” Jessie Chris featuring the song “Chameleon” – Interview by Award winning DJ Big Al Weekley
Music Charts Magazine® Presents June’s NEW DISCOVERY “Jessie Chris” – Interview by Big Al Weekley
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