Monthly Archives: April 2016
“Beach Music Chart”
Music Charts Magazine®
#1 for April 2016
Dance Tonight – Black Water Rhythm & Blues Band
This weeks #1 on the IndieWorld Country Record Report
Billy Keeble – “Let Me Drink This Over“
– Pretty World Records
To watch the video for each song (where available) click on the titles.
The Hotdisc chart is compiled from DJs and industry professionals’ ratings of songs currently being promoted on the Rush Released CD. They are not airplay charts, as airplay charts cannot work in Europe because there are no terrestrial country stations. The hundreds of country programmes on air which we service are likely to play a particular song only twice at most in a three month period, therefore rendering airplay charts insignificant in Europe. It works well in America where there are plenty of non-stop country stations but it does not work here. Any Airplay Chart you may see claiming to provide this service is bogus and Hotdisc does not condone these charts at all. They are misleading at best for the reasons stated.
The Hotdisc charts are put together weekly using ratings supplied by DJs who give scores to every song on the last three months’ editions of Rush Released. The scores are averaged out per week to give an accurate guide to the songs which are being championed by the industry. The aim is to showcase the songs which the industry professionals are flagging up as quality songs. This is a very useful exercise as it is free of politics, hype and rigging and done solely on merit!
Copyright © 2016, Hotdisc, 21 Redpath Crescent, Galashiels TD1 2QG, Scotland. Used with permission from HotDisk.
Prince was gifted as a singer, songwriter and a with a multi-instrumentalist ability. He was able to hear and create what most can not. This is something you have to be born with. A talent like Prince’s is rare and obviously captivated generations of fans and the highest respect from fellow musicians.
Here in the below video superstar Adam Levine (band Maroon 5 and The Voice TV show) gives his respects to “Prince” at The Howard Stern Birthday Bash by playing on the guitar and singing one of Prince’s world wide music hits “Purple Rain”. He is joined on stage by Patrick Monahan (lead singer of the band Train).
The Howard Stern Birthday Bash on SiriusXM
It was Misty’s first party and she really wanted it to go well.
It did for an hour or so.
During the earliest years that Misty and I were together
we played in some small nightclubs in Hialeah, Florida.
These jobs were always five or six nights a week,
long hours, and short pay. We got by.
We had never lived in a place where we could have guests over.
We finally moved into a cluster of bungalows off Flamingo Way,
Hialeah’s main drag.
The white cabins looked like an old-fashioned motor court,
but each contained a little efficiency apartment.
It was just before Christmas,
and Misty was anxious to have our first party. I guess I was too.
She went to a lot of effort to fix the place up
and get the food and drinks just right.
(I wrote “food” in the previous sentence
because I don’t know how to spell hors d’oeuvres.)
We had only invited a few musician friends,
but we felt like real people for a change,
instead of rooming house rats.
The little tree was lit, and tastefully, though cheaply, decorated.
She had carols playing softly behind the conversation,
which was mostly about how rotten night club owners were,
and why the bad musicians got better gigs than we did.
The usual musician stuff.
Then the police car lights came swirling
like a winter snowstorm, only blue and red.
People were running by our place in all directions.
There was loud pounding, and the crash of a door being broken down.
Then the ambulances and fire trucks screamed in
and more hurried scuffling around.
To our horror, they started running by our window,
carrying people or bodies out on stretchers.
We started to go out to see what the matter was,
but the cops told us to stay inside.
We did see that the cabin in question was right next door.
Two people had died in their beds,
and one was found on the kitchen floor.
It was a chilly night and they had the gas heater on.
But there was no gas smell.
Later investigation raised the theory
that the flame in the gas heater
burned up the oxygen in the air and they had suffocated.
Jalousie windows may have been the cause.
They are made of horizontal glass slats
that crank shut and seal more tightly than most windows.
Our guests left. We were depressed.
In later years,
with some distance and time between us and that night,
the terrible event slipped into our cluttered past.
I felt sorry for Misty. It was her first party.
Jack Blanchard.
Copyright © Jack Blanchard 2005 to 2016

Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan…
Grammy & CMA Award Finalists.
Billboard Duet of the Year.
Home Page:
Mastering & restoration studio: ( 352 ) 530 – 2068
When I first was introduced to Joe’s work, about eight months ago, I remember saying to myself “It doesn’t get any better than this.” I was wrong! It got better! I spent most of yesterday, and all of today listening to his new EP, “Jack to Jesus”. I have only one complaint about this 5-track EP. And, that is – it’s a 5-track EP. It isn’t enough. When it’s over, you have to play it again, because one thing Joe does better than most of our seasoned artists is this … He always leaves you wanting more!
There is not a song on this entire EP that isn’t radio-ready–NOW. It’s enough country to keep the older country fans (like me) happy; and, it’s enough of today’s country sound that it should be not only what our younger listeners what, but exactly what our program directors all across the nation want to give their listeners.
Did you ever listen to an EP that has a ‘little bit of everything’? Well, that’s what you are going to get with this one. There is a lot of country ballad, a little country/southern rock, and a tiny touch of country/rap. Enough of that to keep our fans of The Lacs and Colt Ford happy, but not so much that it made me dislike the song.
“Whiskey Nights” sits in the lead-off position. What a great start to what ends up being one of the best debut country releases to come along in a years! ‘Some nights are whiskey nights, you’d rather drink yourself blind than see the mess you’ve made…..some days are for getting it right, but some nights are whiskey nights.’ Memorable lyrics set to a slow-to mid tempo melody – you can’t help but fall in love with this song.
The second song you are going to hear is “Tap a Little Tail Light”. Whenever radio wants to start playing this one – I think there is an audience out there just waiting to listen to it. This is so much ‘today’, as far as our country music goes. You listen, you are immediately put in mind of some of our top male artists. And, Joe manages to do that without losing his own individuality.
Joe Lasher Jr. is a name all country music fans are going to want to remember. He is an up and coming singer/songwriter who has undoubtedly found his place in the world of country music. He’s right where he belongs. “Somebody Up There Must Like Me” is the third song on the new EP. The story might remind you a little bit of Tracy Byrd’s “Keeper of the Stars,” just the idea that ‘someone had a hand in it, long before we knew’. But, the lyrics and the song Joe sings are definitely not the old Tracy Byrd song. They are all new, all uniquely Joe, and again – all today’s country. ‘Somebody up there must like me, to lead me to you’. Enough said about this one! It’s more of a ballad than the others. I can just picture people wanting to get out on the dance floor when he starts this one.
Now, while it would be impossible for me to pick a favorite out of the five songs here – I have a least favorite. That would be the fourth song, “Kickin’ Ass and Takin’ Names”. Now, it’s not the title, or or even the lyrics that turned me off a little. It was that small amount of rap at the opening of the song; and that more rockish sound that this one has. This is definitely a ‘pull this one out at the party’ song. And, I don’t doubt he will get one request after the next for this one at his live shows. I like it. I didn’t love it. But, I can definitely see a crowd dancing to it, singing with it, and just kickin’ up their heels to one heck of a good time. I know I have some readers who are going to run straight to track 4 when they get their copy of this CD. And, they are going to play this one more than once.
The last song you are going to hear is “Jack to Jesus”. This is what country music is all about, folks. This is a story. This one, more than the others, takes me back to MY era of country music. Back when it was really all about the story, and in many cases – all about the message. This song is about what happens ‘on the road from Jack to Jesus’. Wow, it’s a sad story. And yet, it’s a story that says “someone out there needs to hear this, so pay attention!’.
To learn more about Joe Lasher Jr., please visit his website, He has links there to his other social media as well, so be sure to check out his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter.
Music Charts Magazine® Country Album Review by Donna Rea of
Copyright © 2012 – 2016 Music Charts Magazine, INC – All Rights Reserved. Contents of this site including text and media may not be reproduced without prior written consent. Audio and video elements of this site are property of their respective owners and are used with permission.
This weeks #1 on the IndieWorld Country Record Report
Doctor G and the Mudcats – “Swampy Tonk Blues“
– Cheatham Street Records
To watch the video for each song (where available) click on the titles.
The Hotdisc chart is compiled from DJs and industry professionals’ ratings of songs currently being promoted on the Rush Released CD. They are not airplay charts, as airplay charts cannot work in Europe because there are no terrestrial country stations. The hundreds of country programmes on air which we service are likely to play a particular song only twice at most in a three month period, therefore rendering airplay charts insignificant in Europe. It works well in America where there are plenty of non-stop country stations but it does not work here. Any Airplay Chart you may see claiming to provide this service is bogus and Hotdisc does not condone these charts at all. They are misleading at best for the reasons stated.
The Hotdisc charts are put together weekly using ratings supplied by DJs who give scores to every song on the last three months’ editions of Rush Released. The scores are averaged out per week to give an accurate guide to the songs which are being championed by the industry. The aim is to showcase the songs which the industry professionals are flagging up as quality songs. This is a very useful exercise as it is free of politics, hype and rigging and done solely on merit!
Copyright © 2016, Hotdisc, 21 Redpath Crescent, Galashiels TD1 2QG, Scotland. Used with permission from HotDisk.
This weeks #1 on the IndieWorld Country Record Report
Leverton Brothers Band – “Real Heroes“
Music Charts Magazine® History
– Song for the month of April 2016:
Merle Haggard
“Sing Me Back Home”
In 1987 Capitol Records released Merle Haggard’s “Sing Me Back Home” album.
He sang his way into our hearts and in our hearts he will remain.
Merle Haggard was one of Country music’s greats. His fans are in the millions and he is revered as one of the great roots of the tree of Country music. His legendary status will always be in music history. God Bless his family & many friends.
Merle Haggard website:
Copyright © 2012 – 2015 Music Charts Magazine, INC – All Rights Reserved. Contents of this site including text and media may not be reproduced without prior written consent. Audio and video elements of this site are property of their respective owners and are used with permission.